VSS Workshops

2024 FoVea Workshop: Negotiation: When To Do It and How To Do It Successfully

Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 1:00-2:30 pm EDT, Jasmine/Palm

Two panelists will share their thoughts on when and how to negotiate. Topics will include: knowing when to negotiate, how to prepare for negotiations, ways to demonstrate your skills, priorities, and needs while negotiating, and challenges that arise during negotiations, particularly for women. The panelists will each give a brief presentation, and then will take questions and comments from the audience and lead a discussion.


Marisa Carrasco, Julius Silver Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University who served as the Chair of the Psychology Department for 6 years

Allison Sekuler, Sandra A Rotman Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience, Rotman Research Institute
President & Chief Scientist, Baycrest Academy for Research and Education, and the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation, Professor, Psychology, University of Toronto, Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University

Please REGISTER HERE so that we can be sure to have enough tables and chairs.

2023 FoVea Workshop: Career transitions workshop, Part2: Where do I go from here? Round table discussion

Sunday, May 21, 2023, 8:45 – 9:45 pm EDT, Garden Courtyard

Career transitions are both exciting and scary. Some of the uncertainty regarding a new role, however, can be reduced by talking to others who have made similar transitions. This year VSS-SPC and FoVea together present a two-part ‘Career Transitions Workshop’ on navigating these diverse pathways, with Part 1: Early Career Panel and Part 2: Where do I go from here? Round-Table Discussion

Following Part 1, Career Transition Workshop Part 2 will feature a round table discussion with small, facilitator-led groups that cover transition topics for those in early stages (e.g., students/Postdocs) through advanced career stages (e.g., associate/emeritus). We will start the event with introductions from facilitators who have experienced various career transitions including those from Part 1. Some of the transitions Part 2 will cover include: graduate student & postdoc transitions, academia to industry, academia to government/policy/non-profit, and changing institutions, with a particular interest on issues relevant to women and gender-diverse individuals. Participants will have time to choose 1 to 2 discussion groups to join throughout the workshop. Light snacks and drinks will be served during the workshop. 

*It is not necessary to have attended Part 1 to attend Part 2, as both are different formats and attendees can benefit from both events depending on the level of interaction and discussion they would like to have. 

Please REGISTER HERE so that we can be sure to have enough tables and accommodate as many career transition tables as possible.

2022 FoVea Workshop: Working during a Pandemic

Sunday, May 15, 2022, 7:30 – 9:00 pm EDT, Beachside Decks

The pandemic has impacted all aspects of our life and will likely continue in some form for a while. These impacts have been particularly disruptive for women (e.g., Augustus, 2021). We will break into small, facilitator-led groups to discuss the ways in which the pandemic has impacted our work in the past and how it might continue to impact our work in the future,, as well as discuss possible accommodations and solutions. What have others tried? What has worked? What has not? Participants will have the opportunity to choose affinity groups (e.g. graduate students, early career researchers, parents and caregivers, BIPOC researchers, LGBTQ2S researchers) ahead of time on our registration form below. As part of our commitment to intersectionality, we have partnered with SPARK and Visibility to provide facilitators and affinity tables to discuss intersectionality issues.

Please REGISTER HERE so that we can be sure to have enough tables and accommodate as many affinity tables as possible.

2021 FoVea Workshop: Mentoring Envisioned

Friday, May 21, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT, Sea Turtle (Virtual space)

The Mentoring Envisioned project is being developed by the members of FoVea, Visibility, and SPARK, to facilitate networking and mentoring opportunities for all members of the VSS community. The first half of the event will feature a panel discussion on mentoring (sponsored by FoVea) and the second half will include small group discussions of our newly launched Mentoring Envisioned SLACK channel, which will be open to all VSS members who are interested in building community and further developing connections both through affinity groups and through scientific interests. We hope the SLACK channel and mentoring event will foster new connections that will help participants, especially those new to VSS, navigate the meeting, network, and will provide strong social support for members of underrepresented groups in the society.

Organizers: Charisse Pickron, University of Minnesota, and Alejandro Lleras, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Town Hall on Diversity, Inclusion and Respect 2020

Sunday, June 21, 1:00 – 3:00 pm ET, on Zoom

The Vision Sciences Society and FoVea co-sponsored a Town Hall on DiversityInclusion and Respect, as part of V-VSS 2020.
The Town Hall follows on the commitments VSS and FoVea made in their recent statements to work towards making VSS and vision science a more diverse and inclusive community, and to work with its members to fight anti-Black racism and discrimination in all its forms.
Organizers and Moderators: Diane Beck, Eileen Kowler, Mary A. Peterson, Ruth Rosenholtz, Karen Schloss, Allison Sekuler, Jeffrey Schall, and Laurie Wilcox.


FoVea Workshop and Social 2019

Panel Discussion on Navigating a Life in Science as a Woman

Panel Discussants: Lynn Kiorpes (New York University), Ruth Rosenholtz (MIT), Preeti Verghese (Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute), Emily Ward (University of Wisconsin – Madison)

Organizers: Diane Beck, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Mary A. Peterson, University of Arizona; Karen Schloss, University of Wisconsin – Madison; Allison Sekuler, Baycrest Health Sciences


FoVea Workshop and Social 2018

Thank you to all for making our workshop and social a great success, but especially to Dr. Virginia Valian, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Hunter College and Director of The Gender Equity Project  for her thought-provoking talk on “Remedying the (Still) Too Slow Advancement of Women.”

Thank you also to Katie Foley and Shannon Sibrel for their help at the event.

Organizers: Diane Beck, University of Illinois; Mary A. Peterson, University of Arizona; Karen Schloss, University of Wisconsin – Madison; Allison Sekuler, McMaster University


FoVea Workshop and Lunch 2017

The topic of the 2017 workshop (Saturday, May 20 at VSS) was Negotiation: When To Do It and How To Do It Successfully. Thank you to all for making it a successful workshop, especially panelists Marisa Carrasco and Allison Sekuler who gave an excellent presentation.

  • Marisa Carrasco, Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University who served as the Chair of the Psychology Department for 6 years.
  • Allison Sekuler, Vice-President Research and Sandra A. Rotman Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience, Baycrest Health Sciences; Senior Scientist, Rotman Research Institute; Professor of Psychology, University of Toronto; Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University.

Marisa and Allison’s Slide Presentation is available along with an accompanying Lesson Sheet  by Linda Ginzel.

Thank you also Madeline Parker and Rachel Skocypec for their help at the event.

Organizers: Diane Beck, University of Illinois; Mary A. Peterson, University of Arizona; Karen Schloss, University of Wisconsin – Madison; Allison Sekuler, McMaster University